

Teaching Experience

MATH 265 – University Calculus I   (~200 students) Winter 2023

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Calgary

An introduction to single variable calculus intended for students with credit in high school calculus. Limits, derivatives, and integrals of algebraic, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions play a central role.

Risk Theory  (~40 students)  2015  –  2017

Faculty of Superior Studies, National Autonomous University of Mexico

Understand the concept of risk theory, its importance and some basic definitions. Know the main applications of risk theory in actuarial practice. Know the methods of credibility theory for calculating insurance premiums.

Financial products, Derivatives       (~40 students)  2015  –  2016

Faculty of Superior Studies, National Autonomous University of Mexico

To know the concepts, results and basic applications of the theory of stochastic processes necessary for the study of the basic continuous model of finance. Principles of stochastic calculation for the valuation of financial instruments. To study the Black – Scholes model. Methodologies for the valuation of derivative assets.

Multivariate Analysis           (~50 students)  2015  –  2016

Faculty of Superior Studies, National Autonomous University of Mexico

Matrix Algebra and Multivariate Distributions. Descriptive analysis of multivariate data. Generalized linear models. Dimension reduction techniques. Classification methods.

Inferential Statistics      (~80 students)     2013  –  2016

Faculty of Superior Studies, National Autonomous University of Mexico

Understand the basic principles of Statistics and its relationship with Probability. Exploratory analysis of statistical data. Identify the principles on which parametric estimation is based, obtaining estimators and the criteria for measuring them. Know the basic methods for making parametric interval estimates. Development of statistical hypothesis tests.

Economics                (~60 students)        2011  –  2017

Faculty of Superior Studies, National Autonomous University of Mexico

Solid knowledge of the main aspects related to the theory of consumption and the firm. Know the main macroeconomic models of aggregate demand and understand the main indicators of inflation and unemployment.

MATH 275 – Calculus for Engineers and Scientists       2021  –  2022

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Calgary

An extensive treatment of differential and integral calculus in a single variable, with an emphasis on applications. Differentiation: derivative laws, the mean value theorem, optimization, curve sketching and other applications. Integral calculus: the fundamental theorem of calculus, techniques of integration, improper integrals, and areas of planar regions. Infinite series: power series, Taylor’s theorem and Taylor series.

MATH 375 – Differential Equations for Engineers and Scientists      Fall 2022

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Calgary

Definition, existence and uniqueness of solutions; first order and higher order equations and applications; Homogeneous systems; Laplace transform; partial differential equations of mathematical physics.

DATA 623 – Big Data in Health      2021  –  2022

Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary

Students will learn and work with health databases including health administrative data, registries, wearable, genomic, primary care and various other databases.  Students will have the opportunity to apply for data access of a large database. Basic health research methods and epidemiological studies will be explored as they are the foundation of understanding the questions that can be answered using big data in health.

STAT 505 – Time Series Analysis     Winter 2021

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Calgary

An introduction to the theory and tools to conduct time series analysis, with the emphasis on modelling and forecasting using a software. Stationarity, white noise, autocorrelation, partial autocorrelation, and linear predictor. Stationary ARIMA models, seasonality and trends. Model fitting, diagnostics and forecasting. Additional topics may include state space models, spectral analysis of time series, and GARCH models.