03/2015 – 03/2024
This chapter describes Mexico’s experience with foreign exchange intervention since the free-floating exchange rate regime was adopted in December 1994. The first two sections describe the background of the different intervention mechanisms that have been used over time, along with the stated objectives of those interventions. The third section presents a set of analyses of the interventions’ effectiveness. The main takeaways from that section are that interventions with the objective to achieve a specific stock of international reserves have been very effective. However, it is difficult to assess the effectiveness of interventions if the objective is to temper foreign exchange volatility, because the central bank does not have the counterfactual case to compare what would have been the outcome without the intervention. Despite those difficulties, there is some statistical evidence to infer that the Bank of Mexico’s interventions in the foreign exchange market to temper volatility have been effective. The next sections describe how the size and timing of interventions were decided, as well as the communication policies that were followed. The last section provides final remarks on what has been learned in Mexico about foreign exchange interventions.
Cano, R. (2019). “Chapter 11 Mexico: Free-Floating Exchange Regime”. In Foreign Exchange Intervention in Inflation Targeters in Latin America. USA: International Monetary Fund. Retrieved Aug 19, 2024.
My Contribution:
My contribution to this research was to perform an in-depth implicit volatility analysis of the Mexican currency during all interventions. This analysis significantly strengthened the theoretical arguments and empirical findings, providing a nuanced understanding of market reactions. The insights gained from this work enabled the authors to assess the effectiveness of each intervention with greater precision, adding depth and robustness to the study’s conclusions.
This book seeks to explain to students, academics, investors and the general public the main central banking operations carried out by the Bank of Mexico. The work is an effort to disseminate the elements, strategies and social benefits of the work carried out by the central bank. This constitutes one more of the attempts by the Bank of Mexico to continue getting closer to Mexican society through greater transparency and accountability.
The book is divided into three chapters. The first describes the implementation of monetary policy, detailing its conceptual framework and the different objectives and instruments used by the Bank of Mexico. The second chapter aims to show the evolution of operations and exchange rate policy in Mexico. Finally, the third chapter aims to define and explain the policy for managing international reserves.
* Title: Instrumentación de las operaciones monetarias, cambiarias y de administración de reservas del Banco de México
* Author(s) name(s): Jaime Acosta, Rodrigo Cano, Gerardo García, Oscar Palacios, Andrea San Martín and Claudia Tapia
* ISBN (or ASIN): 978-607-97639-8-5
* Publisher: Banco de México
* Publication date: January 2023
* Format: Digital and physical
* Page count: 258
* Language: Spanish
* Link: https://www.banxico.org.mx/publicacio…
My Contribution:
My primary contribution was conducting the numerical analysis for Chapter 2, “Implementation of Exchange Rate Policy in Mexico.” This included creating all the descriptive graphs related to the research on foreign exchange reserves. Additionally, I played a key role in proofreading the entire book, offering critical feedback, and ensuring the content provided clear and comprehensive explanations.
In my final months at the Central Bank of Mexico in 2023, I was part of the dedicated team responsible for translating the book into English. This effort aimed to ensure a broader international audience could gain insight into the bank’s core activities and policy frameworks. My work on this project reflects my attention to detail, analytical expertise, and commitment to fostering an understanding of complex financial and economic concepts.